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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

29. Self-Belief

Have faith in yourself. Trust that if you look within, you will find the answers to what to be in life and how to be it. Have faith in your ability to handle whatever situation you find.

28. Trophies

Trophies are treacherous things. Do not be fooled by them. When you set out to hit a target, aim only for that because if you are thinking about the trophy, you will see two targets, shoot and miss both.

27. The Importance of Achievements

It is very important to achieve the goals you have set for yourself but you should remain detached from them and not become obsessed. Maintain a healthy distance from them through meditation. Never compromise your principles or sully your values in order to achieve your aims. You will hate yourself a little more every time you do.

26. Failure

It is impossible to fail as a person. You can, however fail at a given task. This is an important distinction because your self-worth as a person is self-evident and has nothing to do with any task external to yourself. Never equate your self-worth with any external achievement. This is an error into which people often fall. Your inherent value and dignity are not measurable by externals.If you are to learn and grow and ever achieve anything worthwhile, plenty of failure (at tasks) is inevitable. More often than not, you will learn far more from the tests that you fail than from those that you pass.The correct attitude to failure is expressed in the old song as "Pick yourself up, Dust yourself down and Start all over again."

25. Life-long Learning

Continue all your life to learn and grow. If you do not, you will dry up emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Growth means change and testing yourself out in new arenas with a strong sense of excitement.

24. The Unknown

Do not fear the unknown. All true inventors love to wander about in the unknown!

23. Change

Change is as basic a component of our lives in the material world as night and day. Everything around us is in a constant state of change. This is a Universal Law and like all such laws, it does not matter whether or not you like it, agree with it, believe in it or even know about it, it will continue to operate with or without your approval. If you grow up accepting change as a way of life, as part of being a highly functioning person you will be on the road to a fulfilling life. It is unhappy people who are most intimidated by change.


Never say things that are predictions of a negative outcome for they have a nasty habit of becoming self-fulfilling prophesies and actually come to pass.