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Monday, January 31, 2011

355. Cashflow

"Cashflow" is the most important word in the world of money. Cashflow - the flow of cash.

Cashflow can be positive - i.e. you have more cash coming in than going out. This is always a good thing. Negative cashflow is when you have more money going out than coming in. This is a bad thing, it leads to debt and misery. Neutral cashflow - the same amount coming in as going out (also known as red-lining) is also a bad thing. It is stagnation as the value is being eroded by inflation,

354. Genius

"Genius sees the answer before the question." -Robert Oppenheimer

353. Expertise, Confidence

If you study any subject for an hour a day, every day, eventually you will become THE world expert on that subject. No-one will know more about it than you. Learn to have this level of confidence in your self. There is a fashion these days to denigrate experts and to dismiss their knowledge. This is the small mind syndrome in action. You must never accept this treatment of your superior knowledge from those who are your inferiors. State loudly and clearly that you are the expert and demand to know what credentials your attackers have that makes them think that they have the right to challenge you. Then set about demolishing their positions entirely.

As an expert, read constantly. Build on your knowledge every day. Use your knowledge to help, instruct, enlighten and inform.

352. The Killer Instinct

Only you yourself can know for certain if you have the killer instinct or not. If you have, nurture it. If you haven't then cultivate it. Become determined to give the competition a good strong taste of their own medicine.

351. Blindingly Obvious

"Positive people are winners. Negative people are losers." - John Fenton

350. 4 Assumptions by Which to Live your Life

There are 4 things that will keep you on the straight and narrow if you assume them to be true about your life.

1. Assume your body has already had its heart attack.

2. Assume the half-life of your profession is 2 years.

3. Assume that everyone can overhear everything that you say about them.

4. Assume that you will meet with God every 90 days for a one-to-One.

349. Strength

Develop strength in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Every day do a little practice in each of these areas. Never borrow strength. Constantly work to build your own. If you borrow strength you will build a weakness in yourself, in others and in the relationship you have with others.

348. Principles that Govern the Universe

There are Universal Principles or Laws that operate in the Creation whether we like them or not. These are the "things behind the things." These are the causes behind the effects that we see. When we say that they are Universal, we mean that they are everywhere the same. They are true in every location and across every culture. Principles are Timeless and Constant. They never change over time. Some examples are : -

* Fairness
* Kindness
* Respect
* Honesty
* Integrity
* Service
* Contribution
* Trust

While principles are self-evident, you may miss them until they are pointed out to you. Make collecting them one of your life's goals.

347. Empowerment and Disempowerment

Any time you allow your emotional life to be a function of the weaknesses of others, you disempower yourself and empower those weaknesses to continue messing up your life. Seize control and wrest the helm back into your own hands. Remember the story of the student who went with his teacher when he was buying a newspaper. The newsvendor was very rude to the teacher and this offended the student who respected his teacher. He asked furiously why his teacher allowed the man to speak to him like that and how he could remain so calm. The teache smiled and replied "He is always like that, so why should I let his behaviour affect my inner peace?"

346. Being the Transition

Learn to become a "transition" person. i.e. become the one who prevents unworthy thoughts, habits, ideas, practices, tendencies, traditions etc. from being passed on to the next generation. To do this, you first need to identify what they are and eliminate them in yourself. The next generation, when it arrives will never have seen them in you and will not carry them forward. Establish fine and worthy traditions of your own to pass on instead.