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Monday, July 26, 2010

107. Art and the Arts

Throughout your life, always retain your love of the arts. Regularly visit art galleries and study the artists, their lives and their paintings. Likewise, study the theatre and the skills of acting and the craft of the playwright.

106. Meditation

Learn to meditate. Meditation is the cornerstone of the measured life. It is the foundation on which mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and strength rests. In a world where everything appears to be spinning rapidly out of control, the very least that meditation will do for you is to keep you sane and centred. Meditation is the still centre to the potter's wheel. While you are still young begin the practice of meditating twice a day. This will be very natural to you and will keep your energies from going out of kilter. The Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life Workbook is a very useful tool for keeping well.