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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

44. Serenity

At all times strive for the quality of Serenity. This is known also as inner peace, wa, shibumi, tranquility, rest, stillness, satori, nirvana etc etc. It is more valuable than gold for it is a firm foundation for your mind. If you really hear and embody The Perfect Prayer you will achieve it :

That is Perfect
This is Perfect
Perfect comes from Perfect
Take Perfect from Perfect
And the remainder is Perfect
May Peace and Peace and Peace be everywhere

43. Anxiety

If you think healthy thoughts, you will be free from anxiety. Anxiety is a way of thinking. We can choose it or not.

42.Wise Man

The wise man does not have problems; he merely has situations that require his attention. This is a state of detachment that we should all try to achieve.

41. Always be Authentic

It is always better to admit to being wrong and to be willing to learn from the mistake than to pretend to be right while knowing all the time that you are a phony.

40. External Approval

Seeking approval is not in itself an unhealthy thing. Needing it is unhealthy. It is an unhealthy state to be immobilised if outside approval is withheld. This is an important distinction. You do not need the approval of others in order to feel good about yourself. You will encounter huge amounts of both approval and disapproval throughout your life. You cannot please everyone all the time. You cannot please any one person all the time either. When you encounter disapproval in others, provided you know that you are right and acting in the best possible way, do not let their disapproval stop you from doing or saying what you know to be true. Do not even give ear to their disapproval or anger. You should be aware that people will often direct their disapproval at you in order to try to control you for their own ends and your ultimate disadvantage. (Trade Unions and other organisations are very fond of doing this). Ultimately, the only approval that matters is your own self-approval. This self-approval is definitely NOT the same thing as conceit. Self-approval is honest. Conceit is a form of self-deception, saying "I approve because it is me even though I KNOW IT IS WRONG !" This is a form of Psychopathy. You must learn to respect the opinions of others and at the same time not be consumed with winning everyone's approval. This can be a very delicate balance. Approval is nice but it is like a tax break. It should be treated as a bonus and not the main reason for doing whatever you are being praised for. You should do things because they make sense or are a good deal financially, not primarily for approval or tax breaks. Remember you are the captain of your own ship. A wise captain seeks information and advice but plots his own course. He does not follow like a sheep.

39. The Value of Taking Responsibility

As long as you think the problem is someone or something outside of yourself, you are faced with having to change them. This is a huge task and probably you will never achieve it. Once you accept that it is your attitude to that person place or thing that is the problem, then you have a much easier task. All you have to do is change your own perception.

38. Growth

In order to learn and grow, it is important to become self-questioning. You should ask yourself questions such as "Why do I miss this type of shot ?" or "How can I get along better with ... ?" or "What can I do to improve...?"

37. Being Honest with One's Self

Practice the habit of being totally honest with yourself. The worst form of deception is self-deception. That's a big no-no. Total honesty with yourself is the basis for sanity and the starting point of all self-development. Blame is one thing that will make it impossible to control your inner world. Blame is only excuse-making, a refusal to take responsibility for yourself. Whatever you feel at any given time is a direct result of what you have been thinking. You drive your own state. Your feelings are created by yourself and no-one else. You choose to feel happy or sad, loving or angry loved or afraid. depending on your self-talk. No-one has the power to make you feel happy or unhappy or any way other than how you choose to feel. You do that to yourself by thinking about their behaviour. Even if you blame others, the reality remains the same.

36. Your Inner World and Personal Power

Take responsibility for the development of your mind and heart. No-one else is capable of controlling what goes on in your heart and mind unless you surrender that control. Your inner world belongs to you and only to you. Everything you think feel and do is under your control. If you should ever find that you have surrendered it, take back your power immediately. Learn, therefore to seek only your own approval as measured by your own internal code of ethics, what Warren Buffett calls your inner score-card.

35. Prejudice

Prejudice means "To judge before". We can only be prejudiced against that of which we are ignorant. Being prejudiced is like the doctor who prescribes a medicine before he makes his diagnosis or even his examination. When you recognise that you are being prejudiced, go and learn about what it is you are pre-judging

34. On Achievement

Once you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything you set out to do. Just for practice, once a week, try something really difficult.