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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

237. Espionage

Foreknowledge enables you to strike and conquer and achieve the extra-ordinary. This kind of knowledge can only be obtained from men, spies. Engage shamelessly in espionage, but do not flaunt it, you do not want to be caught spying, if only because the information loses its value once the opposition knows that you have it.

Always have two or three sources of information (collateral sources) to corroborate your spies' reports before accepting that their information is correct. This applies to general information too.

Make use of local inhabitants, the officials of the enemy, turning the spies of the enemy (double agents), deception and those who return from the enemy camp.

Remember that all is fair in Love, War, Diplomacy, Politics and Business.

Even when there is no conflict, spend a little time each day trying to find out the secrets of the opposition. Build dossiers on them and study these well. Learn to use their successful techniques and to avoid their errors. Find their weaknesses and use them against them.

236.Speak of Success

Speak only of your successes, never of your failures.

235.Your Wealth Plans and the Plans of Others.

Do not foster the plans other people have for increasing their wealth, e.g. by buying their products unnecessarily. Instead focus on and carry out your own (secret) plans for the accumulation of wealth.

234. Warfare (4) Divide and Conquer.

Study and learn the techniques of driving a wedge between your enemy's front and rear, left and right flanks; prevent co-operation between his divisions; disrupt his communications; hinder his rescue attempts; prevent his officers from rallying the men. Always try to seize something that your opponent holds dear - then he will be amenable to your will. When you've got them by the balls, their heart and mind must follow.

Prevent your enemy from marshalling his forces. Interrupt him at every turn. Break his rhythms and do not establish patterns of your own. Learn the use of off-timing and master its techniques.

233. Warfare (3}

When fire breaks out in your enemy's camp, respond at once with an attack from without. Hit them while they are distracted and in disorder.

232. Warfare (2)

Always be sure of your facts and of the enemy strength brfore joining battle. If fighting is sure to result in victory for you then you must fight. If it is sure to result in defeat then you must NOT. Do not fight for mere fame nor should you fear disgrace because you have retreated. Remember that your objectives are to protect what is yours and to expand your state.

231. Conspiracy and Disaffection

The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones (like they do at funerals) indicates disaffection.Conspiracy cannot be far behind.

230. Verbal Contracts

Peace proposals, offers, deals, telephone sales pitches etc., unaccompanied by sworn covenants or written contracts indicate a plot to do you down. A verbal contract or a man's word are not worth the paper they are written on. When undertaking to do work for someone, do not put a job in hand (order from your suppliers) unless you have secured a 50% deposit from them.

229. Signs of Strength

If your enemy is nearby and being quiet he is relying on the natural strength of his position. Do not attack him but draw him into a weaker position before finishing him off.

228.Faults to be Eliminated

Beware of the following faults and whenever you see them in yourself, work hard to eliminate them.
1. Recklessness which leads to Destruction.
2. Cowardice which leads to Capture.
3. A hasty Temper that can be provoked leading to Defeat and Slavery.
4. A delicacy of Honour which is sensitive to Shame.
5. Over-solicitude for others exposing you to worry and trouble.(Boundary issue).

Mark these well if you are to avoid destruction of your state (self).

227. Pick Your Battles

In life as in war, there are roads which must not be followed, armies and navies which must not be attacked, towns which must not be beseiged, positions which must not be contested or defended and some commands which must not be obeyed. Trust to your Reason to know which these are and cultivate your Reason.

226. Keep the Aim Clearly in View

Stay close to your goals and objectives. Remain at ease while your enemy struggles. Be well fed when they are starving. Do NOT attack an enemy that is more orderly than you.

225. Keep Calm and Carry On

Remain calm and disciplined at all times. Await the appearance of disorder in the ranks of the enemy before launching an attack.