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Monday, May 30, 2011

439. Who's Holding the Keys ?

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love and as the Lord of your own thoughts, YOU hold the key to every situation and contain within you the trasformative and regenerative agency by which you can make of yourself whatever you will.

438. Things to Cherish

"Cherish your visions, your ideals, the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the lovliness that drapes your purest thoughts for most of them will grow delightful conditions all heavenly enviornment; of these, if you remain true to them, your world will at last be built." - James Allen. VOI CHE SAPETE (FROM THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO)

437. Power of Thought

"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts towards things andother people, they will alter towards him. - James Allen.

436. Lost Opportunities

Never turn down an opportunity because of unreasonable fears about what might happen. Prudence dictates that we should be cautious but a cool assessment of the risks involved will give you an action plan in case things go wrong.

435. Can't or Won't

Contrary to popular belief, there is very little that we cannot do. The real choice is between "will" and "won't". People usually say a thing can't be done in order to disguise the fact that there is a choice. What they really mean is that they don't want to do it or don't want you to do it.

434. Realism Vs Optimism

In a sense, optimism is the opposite to realism. Realism is a useful mind-set when making some decisions such as setting out your budgets, but don't fall into the trap of using this mode of thinking for all situations. It can lead you to pessimism and depression.

433. Taking Responsibility

Tread a careful path between taking too much and too little responsibility. Only take as much credit as you consider your due. Do not duck your responsibilities or ignore problems until they grow out of proportion. Always remember that the best time to kill a monster is while it is still small. When considering relationships with other people or institutions, remember that the appropriate measure of responsibility is that you should take 100% responsibility for yourself and 50% responsibility for the relationship. In other words you must be fully responsible for yourself and live up to your values. When it comes to the relationship, once you have done your part, it is up to the other party to do theirs. You do not have to control it totally, nor should you allow the other side to control it 100%. - Their responsibility, too is only 50%.

432. How do You View Failure ?

When examining failures, learn to see them as being specific events, not a general failing condition. Se them as one-offs and not patterns.

431. Your Successes

Look into yourself and take time to appreciate all those things that you have achieved already, the skills you have gained, things you have built, people you have loved and the books you have read and written. Learn to consider your successes to last for all time and to cover a large range of activities. Remember to start and maintain your victory log. This is an important document as it may be the only thing you have to keep you cheerful when things get rough.

430. Optimism

Be optimistic rather than pessimistic. Optimists achieve more and live longer. Optimists are better liked and tend to have better relationships.

429. Hard Decisions

Do not shrink from difficult decisions or questions. They will have to be faced sooner or later and the sooner you face them, the quicker they are resolved.