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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

255. Trust

In the final analysis, if it does not suit someone to be trusted, you will not be able to trust them. Trust is conditional. Trust is always temporary and it must be weighed freshly every time it is applied for. Circumstances change and just because someone was trustworthy in the past does not mean they can be trusted again. Trust is not automatic. Never allow your granting of it to be done mechanically. Make sure that your trusting is a conscious act. Trust works two ways. Once broken, trust can never be fully regained.

254. Have Your Dreams

Always have great dreams. One day, you will realise them so long as you set goals and make realistic plans. Once you have realised them, replace them with even greater dreams. Until you have realised the dream, be clear in your mind that it isa dream dnd do not take it for reality. Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes fixed on your goals.

253. Never Take the Easy Way Out.

"Keep your feet on the ground and never do the soft thing." -Marjorie Allingham.
"Who must do the hard thing? - Those who can." -Trevanian.
Face things squarely.
Be a realist not a fantasist.

252. Resources

All the resources we need for everything are present right here, right now in the mind and available for our use.

251. Do It Now !

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best is now ! Every man should do 3 things : "Have a son, plant a tree and write a book." -Dominic Timothy Mulvey.

250. The Name Mulvey

Your name is Mulvey. You come from an illustrious family. Mulvey is one of the Great Family Names. The Family is full of tradition. Remember this, however, a name is nothing unless those who bear it stand above their peers, for it is not the accident of your birth that makes you great but your character.

249. A Wise Man Defined

One definition of a wise man is someone who sees things as they really are and not how he would like them to be.

248. Criticism

Be on your guard against unnecessary fault-finding. If you cannot say anything good shut up ! Do not sharply correct people for bad grammar, spellings, provincialisms or mispronounciation. It is much better to simply use the proper form yourself when you speak.

247. Modesty in Learning

Never show off your learning by telling everyone how much you know. Always share your knowledge when asked but do it modestly without ostentation.

246. Courtesy and Respect

Be courteous to everyone present and you will gain enormous respect.

245.Three Things to Consider

1. Meet adversity with composure.
2. Make your explanations as clear as possible.
3. Learn to accept the favours of friends without lowering your self respect or appearing to be unfeeling.

244. Advice from Marcus Aurelius

Here are 10 things Marcus Aurelius advises :

1. Always be courteous and serene of temper.

2. Be manly without ostentation.

3. Be pious and generous. Avoid uncharitableness in thought word and action. Hold also a simplicity of life.

4. No expense should be spared for the sake of good masters (teachers).

5. Do not be partisan. Seek the bigger picture. Fear not hard work. Be sparing in your wants. Attend to your own needs. Mind your own business.Do not listen to gossip.

6. Do not be absorbed in trivial pursuits. Be sceptical of wizards and wonder workers with their tales of the supernatural.Eschew cock-fighting and other barbaric distractions. Do not resent outspokenness. Compose essays.

7. Learn Philosophy, Law and Wrestling. Remember that your character needs training and care daily.

8. Whenever someone falls out with you through ill temper and is willing to make peace again, be willing to meet him halfway.

9. Be accurate in your readings. Do not be content with a mere general idea of what is meant. Do not be too quickly convinced by a glib tongue.

10. You need to make decisions for yourself and do not depend on the hazzards of chance. Never for a moment, leave Reason out of sight.

243. Gratitude

Be grateful for all you have and are and all you have learned. Express genuine gratitude every day. It will keep your heart open. Keep a gratitude log alongside your victory log. Record your blessings.

242. Battles

The general rule is "Never fight a battle you can't win." However, there are some battles that must be fought whether you are to win lose or draw. When there is no alternative, resign yourself to the inevitability and resolve to do your best.

241. Controlling the Imagination.

The Imagination is a wonderful tool of the creative mind. Bear in mind that it is a servant and do not let it become your master. Always retain control over it. Be clear about the distinctions between reality and imagination and between imaginings and imagination. Imagination is always glamorous. It is the movie. Reality is never quite so pretty. Imagination allows you to be creative if it is used properly. When being creative if the mind throws up some fantastic image, do not say "This cannot be done." Rather, you should ask "How can this be done ?"

The ability to distinguish between reality and imagination is the ability to remain sane. If you cannot tell the difference, you are well on the road to madness.

Imagination is what allows you to be a great writer, poet, playwright, artist, sculptor, movie-maker or actor. Reality is the discipline to work through the obstacles to the execution of your imagined ideas. It is the persistence that keeps you at your desk even when you can think of nothing to write. It is the determination to never settle for second-best.

"Die Beste oder nichts" -Karl Benz.

240. When to Lie Low

"Learn to lie low when you are in the minority." - Sir John Lavery (1856-1941).

239. Keep Your Temper

Strive always to keep control of your temper. Learn to master it. If you lose your temper in an argument, you have lost the argument.

238. The Folly of Hatred.

Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgement. Hatred can take over your mind if you allow it to and will prevent you from controlling your life. Hatred immobilises you. Hatred poisons you. If others know that you harbour hatred, they can use that knowledge to control and manipulate you.