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Thursday, September 8, 2011

502. Revenge

If you set out on a journey of revenge make sure you dig two graves.

501.Advice from Napoleon Bonaparte

     "Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake ! " - Napoleon Bonaparte. This one kind of speaks for itself !

500. Fighting for Your Rights

     In the world of work (or school), you will only have those rights that you fight for. "You may have to fight the same battle more than once in order to win it." -Margaret Thatcher.

499. Living Life on Your Own Terms

As long as it's not illegal, it is better to have to beg for forgiveness after the event than to ask permission beforehand. Just make sure you won't be fined or jailed.

498. Too Much Information

A wealth of information creates poverty of attention. Balance your information receiving time (lectures, reading etc.) with an equal amount of time dedicated to Meditation and Creative Thinking. Meditation will restore attention. Learn to develop selective active ignorance by deliberately ignoring information that is :

(a) Irrelevant
(b) Unimportant
(c) Un-actionable

The same goes for interruptions.

"There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant." -Ralph Waldo Emerson.