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Thursday, September 9, 2010

179. Fantasies

Fantasies are distorted forms of vision. They are always distorted because they involve the twisting of perception into unreality. Actions that stem from such distortions are the reactions of those who "know not what they do."

Such fantasies are unhealthy and lead to self-delusion.
It is important to distinguish between unhealthy fantasy and Imagination and Creativity; these, of course, lead to a better life.

178. Why were we created ?

We were created in order to create the Good, the Beautiful and the Whole (Holy).

177. Love, Fear and Miracles

"Perfect Love casts out fear.
If fear exists, then there is not perfect Love.
But only perfect Love exists.
If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.
All aspects of fear are untrue because they do not exist at the creative level.
Therefore they do not exist at all.
Know this to be true and you will be free. - The Course in Miracles

The Course in Miracles is published by the Foundation for Inner Peace

176. Weapons Training

It is generally better order to train with your longest range weapons first in order to keep your enemy as far from you as possible. Once your long-range weapons have been mastered, move on to those that operate at closer range until you are training with dagger and empty hand. In Silat, of course we train mostly for close quarter combat.

175. The Great Time Management Myth

You cannot manage Time.
Time moves on inexorably.
You cannot add to it or subtract from it.
You cannot make tomorrow happen before today.
You cannot save Time up.
You can, however, manage what you do in Time. In one day there are 86,400 seconds. Treat each one as if it were a €1 coin.
Remembering that you cannot save it up, ask the questions "How will I invest my time, how will I spend it ?

174. Laws and Religion

The benefits of new laws that a wise man can see but that are not explicable to the reasoning of others can be put over by having recourse to religion.

173. Religion and Arms

"Where there is religion, it is easy to teach men to use arms. Where there are arms and no religion, it is hard to teach religion." -Nicolo Machiavelli.

It is always easier to train an army than to run a moastery; this is because monks are trained to think in a very subtle way, whereas soldiers think in black or white terms.

172. Laws and Oaths

"People are more generally afraid of breaking an oath than a law." -Nicolo Machiavelli.

This was certainly true in the times when Religion ruled everything, but don't rely on it today. People are not concerned so much these days with their honour as with their freedom. Law enforcement is getting tougher and generally people will obey the law when they are compelled to.

171. Keep Your Own Counsel

The only things people can know about you are those things that you choose to reveal. Only let people know those things about your business that are necessary for them to help you. Work on a "Need to Know Basis". There is a fashion for "sharing" everything with everyone. This is foolish and it drains your energy.

170. Know the Facts, See the Potential

In any situation, make sure you know all the facts. Be like the sculptor and see the possibilities contained in the facts. The sculptor sees the potential while others see only the reality.

169. Strengthen Your Mind

Strengthen and sharpen your mind by using meditation mnenomics, mind maps, IQ tests, puzzles, word games, crosswords, mental arithmetic etc. You should do this without let up because : "The Strong Take from the Weak and The Smart Take from the Strong".