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Saturday, December 4, 2010

277. Laws - The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that everything happens for a reason. For every effect there is a cause or a series of causes (chain-reaction).  In a chain reaction, the last effect becomes the cause of the next effect and so on until the end of the chain. Sometimes a cause will have secondary effects and form sub chains, spreading out in ripples to effect peple, things and events that are not connected directly to the original cause.

Things do not happen by chance. We live in a world governed by laws. The clearer your understanding of these and of the effects you want to achieve, the better your chances of reaching your goals.

The thoughts that you have create the effects in your life.

It is not the world outside you that creates or dictates your circumstances; it is the world of thought (within) that determines the conditions of your life.

Ultimately, no-one forces you to feel, think or act the way you do. It is entirely your own choice.

Once a month you should take time out to examine the following areas of your life :

* Family
* Health
* Work
* Money.

Investigate the cause-and-effect relationships between what you think say do and feel and the results you are achieving. Ask what changes you could make to your thinking to improve the quality of some part of your life and insert the answer into your plan for the following month.

Remember that this law can be expressed as a cycle diagram.

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