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Sunday, April 4, 2010

46. Guilt

Guilt is not learning from the past. It is allowing yourself to be immobilised in the the present by something that took place in the past. The fruits of guilt are :
1. Immobilising panic
2. Sleeplessness
3. Fear
4. Introversion
5. Shame
6. Loss of Self-esteem
7. Lack of Initiative

There are more negative effects associated with guilt such as long-term psychiatric damage, but it is rnough to know for now that it is to be avoided as much as possible.

Guilt is a favourite weapon of the weak, used to manipulate others. Being a victim of guilt-manipulation leads to the abandonment of your inner voice in favour of the wishes of the manipulator. Avoid this trap.

45. Seeing Beneath the Surface

Always look for the Peace, Love, Harmony and Perfection that is always present everywhere. Seek it out rather than the hostility ugliness and hatefulness that is often more apparent but is always transient. You do this by looking beneath the surface of things to see into the essence. See the unity of all beings rather than their differences.