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Sunday, July 17, 2011

466. Keep Schtum !

Keep quiet about your wealth and your plans for wealth-creation. Unless you are talking to people who are 100% supportive of you do not share this information. Other people's opinions can be negative and put you off what you are doing. Never allow yourself to be S.N.I.O.P.-ed, i.e. Subject to the Negative Ifluence of Other People. One way to do this is by inviting them NOT to give you their opinions in the first place.

Another very good reason for not telling them is that they may steal your ideas. You do not have to give away your best ideas.

It is always, i.e. WITHOUT exception bad for you to have others discuss your business amongst themselves. You do NOT want people around you to become jealos and try to do you down. It never costs you anything to keep silent. Omerta ! Herkos Odonton - behind the edge of the teeth.

465. Defining Wealth

How would you know if you were wealthy ? Could you become wealthy if you didn't have a way of measuring it ?

Wealth is a state of knowing.

One definition of being wealthy is living off the interest off the interest on your capital. You need to know, month by month, week by week, day by day, how much money the interest on the interest on your money is producing for you. Interest can be defined as ROI or return on investment.

To put it more viscerally, you need to know whenever you go out for a meal, the following 3 things :
(a) How much your wealth increased by while eating the meal,
(b) How much the meal has cost you and
(c) The difference between (a) and (b).
So long as (a) is greater than (b) then you are wealthy.

464. Start Afresh

Step up, make your move and say "YES". Each and every day starts with a clean slate no matter what has gone before. Meditating has the effect of cleaning the blackboard. You can make a fresh start any time even with your last breath.

463. Clarity Again

When you are going to deal with the changes in your life, learn how to re-arrange things in your mind.

462. More Advice from Alan Alda

When they offer you fame without the money, dont take it. It's a scam.

461. Relating to People

"Don't think that relating to people is the icing on the cake. It IS the cake. Real listening is having the willingness to be changed by what the other person has to say. Relating happens not when you are TALKING but when you are listening and in between listening and talking.

When you are willing to be changed, when you are really listening, life becomes much more interesting than when you are engaged on a simple exchange of monologues, duelling monologues."- Alan Alda