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Monday, July 5, 2010

82. Master Your Finances

Know that you deserve financial wellbeing right through your whole life. You deserve an early long and wealthy retirement or a long series of mini retirements. The date on which you retire is a function of the level of Passive Income you achieve - not a function of your age. Once your passive income (derived from your assets and investments, not from your labour) exceeds your expenses, then you can retire. To learn these principles, you need to read all of Robert Kiyosaki's books, visit his website and play as many games of MONOPOLY and CASHFLOW 101 and CASHFLOW 202 as possible. Play them regularly with your Mastermind Group (See Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.,

81. Engage Fully

Whatever you do, do it fully; do not dabble


Find good heroes and never lose them or your faith in them. People love to destroy heroes. This is the well-known Irish art of Begrudgery. Do not listen to tales of your hero's human failings. If you lose your heroes and become cynical, you will have nowhere to turn when things get tough. Let your teachers be heroes and your heroes be teachers. Study the lives of great men and women. Draw inspiration from the speeches that have changed the world. Find your own heroes but you may have some of mine : Padraig Pearse, Winston Churchill, Deepak Chopra, Countess Markievicz, Violette Tzabo,Alan Turing, Napoleon Bonaparte, Edward Hopper, Mahatma Gandhi, Catherine de Medici, Leonardo Da Vinci, Buckminster Fuller, Richard Feyneman, Warren Buffett, Anthony Robbins, Paul Golden, Chuck Mellon, Joe Williams, Noel Coward and many more. Here are some links :,,,,,,

79. Standards

Regularly raise your standards. Change what you demand of yourself. This is the practice of kaizen or C.A.N.I. - constant and never-ending imptovement. By making tiny improvements every day,(1% or less), you will over time make huge changes. It is well worth while.You will also need to change your beliefs in order to support your new standards.

78. Envy Not the Wealth of Others

Do not look into the bank accounts of those others who are richer than you. Do not envy them their wealth. Rather, you should fill your own accounts from your investments and earnings. Keep your financial plan in front of you and keep to it.

77. Optimism

Always be optimistic. No matter how much you learn and know, you will never learn enough to be pessimistic.

76. Decision to be the best you can

Decide here and now, once and for all time, to never again settle for less than you can be. Remember that a true decision cuts you off from all other possibilities. Burn your boats !

75. Pain and Misery are Unnecessary

Pain and Misery are completely unnecessary and finally end for good when you take full charge of your beliefs, feelings and actions.

74. 3 Important Questions to Ask of Yourself

1. How can I take immediate control of my life ?
2. What can I do today, right now, that will make a real difference ?
3. How can I expand, grow and learn and then share that knowledge with others in a meaningful way ?

73. Concentration of Power

Controlled focus is like a laser beam that will cut through anything that seems to be stopping you. A laser beam is a beam of coherent light. i.e. light whose waves are all vibrating at the same frequency and in the same direction of polarisation. Coherence of mind or "joined up thinking" as it is sometimes called allows you to create a project that will do what it is supposed to do and not fall apart before the job is finished.

72. Charity and Bequests

Whoever leaves money in his will to charity is only giving away what no longer belongs to him. It is good to leave money to charity in your will but it is better to give time money and effort to good causes while you are alive.

71. Omission

Every man is guilty of the Good he didn't do!