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Monday, April 5, 2010

47. Worry

Worry is the twin sister of guilt. To worry is to use up the present moment being obsessed with the future. Like guilt, worry can be used to manipulate people. This is a favourite tactic of politicians when they want to get their own way. Bullies use it as a tactic too. Worry manufactures anxiety. 99.99% of the things we worry about never happen. Great thinkers, leaders inventors are not worriers. If you worry, it steals your time and immobilises you in the present with fearful thoughts about the future. Do not waste even 1 second worrying. If you assign a €1.00 value to a second of your life, then 1 day is equivalent to €84,000. Don't waste even 1 second - you might be glad of it some day. Worry will never prevent a tragedy, only sensible precautions will do that. Train and prepare for the worst case scenario then you will have everything covered.

The only value to worries is that they can motivate you to take action regarding the issue - if you're worried about exams then get busy studying !