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Monday, October 10, 2011

527. Denial

When you say to yourself "I am not in this situation, I don't care." when in fact you are in that very situation, then you are in a state of denial. Denial equals Delusion. This is a very unhealthy mental state and should be avoided at all costs. When you deny what you know in your heart to be true, you are practicing Active Ignorance. In short you are lying to yourself. It leads only to misery and pain.

Denial is a major gateway to mental illness and ultimately, if taken to its logical conclusion, leads one to madness and destruction.

When a situation that you do not like develops, rather than going into denial, stand back and review and evaluate it thoroughly. See what, if anything, is to be done about it. Work out what the most appropriate response is and take action on it. Then let the bally thing go and move on from it.

You do not always have to respond immediately. Oftentimes, you have enough time to meditate and consider all your options before rushing in.

526. Judging

Do not judge people, for when you do, you take on their burdens. When you judge, you cannot be happy until the other person changes, and guess what ? They will only change if and when they want to. By judging, you are saying as much if not more about yourself than about the one being judged. Judge not lest ye be also judged.

525. Victimisation

Never allow others to victimise you by getting you to do things just to prove your own self-worth. Your self-worth is self-existent. It is a given simply by virtue of your own existence. It is not reliant on your actions or the opinions of others. Remember the description of your own Self :

The Self knows all
Is not born
Does not die
Is not the effect of any cause
Is eternal
He lives in all hearts
That Thou Art

The victimisation spoken of here is a form of manipulation and a guilt-trip. Do not allow it to happen, even once. Repeated manipulations of this type build up resentment in your heart and mind. This is a form of mental and emotional cancer.