Thursday, March 31, 2011
363. Fear
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear ♥ x
Posted by
Dominic Mulvey
10:49 AM
Frank Herbert,
Litany against fear,
little death,
mind killer

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
362. Using Your Brain Correctly
Your brain is the most powerful computer on he planet. We will never be able to build a machine that can do all the things your brain does. Do not let it be used to make you poor or miserable. Use it instead to make you rich and happy. Train your mind to acquire assets. Train it to make you take a little action every day that moves you closer to buying something that will put money in your pocket - a business, rental property, stocks or shares. Each day, grow your asset column even if only by a few Euros.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
361. Decisions, decisions
Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you DO it. Deciding means that you cut yourself off from all other possibilities. ( De cisio Latin, I cut away from)
360. Hard Work
There is nothing in the world wrong with hard work. Indeed you should work as hard as you can at everything you turn your hand to. Just don't plan to work hard all your life. There is a time to every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes). It is often said that you should work smarter rather than harder but I say that best of all is to work smart and hard so you can get out of work faster and richer.
Posted by
Dominic Mulvey
6:14 PM
a time to every purpose,
hard work,
work smart

359. Differences between the Rich and the Poor
The Rich keep getting richer and the Poor poorer because the each keep on doing what they have always done. Take all the wealth in the world (which, incidentally, is concentrated in the hands of about 5% of the population) and re-distribute it so that everyone has an equal share and within a few short weeks, it would end up again in the same hands, for the same reason.
"Rich" and "Poor" are not genetic or mathematical conditions although they can be measured mathematically, rather, they are states of mind. One primary difference between the rich and the poor is that the poor say "I can't afford it." much more often than the rich do. (Instead they should be ASKING the question : "How can I come to afford it ?") The first sentence on your list of forbidden statements ought to be "I can't afford it". In planning your life and career, do not, like most people, plan to be poor or fail to plan at all. Plan, instead, to be wealthy. Plan your life so that you will retire young and rich. Always remember that retirement is not a function of your age but of your wealth.
"Rich" and "Poor" are not genetic or mathematical conditions although they can be measured mathematically, rather, they are states of mind. One primary difference between the rich and the poor is that the poor say "I can't afford it." much more often than the rich do. (Instead they should be ASKING the question : "How can I come to afford it ?") The first sentence on your list of forbidden statements ought to be "I can't afford it". In planning your life and career, do not, like most people, plan to be poor or fail to plan at all. Plan, instead, to be wealthy. Plan your life so that you will retire young and rich. Always remember that retirement is not a function of your age but of your wealth.
Posted by
Dominic Mulvey
5:41 PM
financial plan,
forbidden statements,
life plan,
rich and poor,
wealth and poverty as states of mind

Monday, March 28, 2011
358. Leverage
The next most imprtant word (after "Cashflow") in the financial world is "Leverage." This is the reason some become rich while others do not. Leverage is power. Some learn to use it, others have it used against them and yet others fear it. Learn to use the power of leveraged debt in your favour. There are two types of debt : good and bad. Leveraged debt is good debt. Good debt is defined as debt that makes you rich, an example is debt incurred while trading options. Bad debt is defined as debt that makes you poor, an example is excessive consumer debt.
Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
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